Sunday, October 21, 2007

Linking Employee Photos using SAP Archive Link

Linking employee photos (Assign Facsimiles in transaction PA30) using SAP Archive link functionality (not through ESS).

1) You'll find the customizing settings in :-

IMG - Personnel management - personnel administration - customizing user interfaces - change screen header.

Regarding the archiving part you better ask your basis admin to set that up for document type HRICOLFOTO.

2) Photo in the PA IT0002 In version 4.0B it worked

1. Define physical archives using transaction OAC0 Arx. ZZ

2. Assign objects types & document types to archive & documents tables for Obj PREL , doc.type HRIEMPFOTO, Arx. ZZ using transaction OAC3

3. Define number range using transaction OANR

4. Using transaction OAC2 define doc.typ & tech doc types for exmpl. HRIEMPFOTO - TIF

5. Create protocol for Archive link using transactions OAA3 for exmpl. Comm.prot.,version. Generate it will define application type from list and so on.

6. In the table 585O define relevant infotype for object and document type for exmpl. for it0002

7. Using transaction OAAD create link for PERNR with relevant infotype & files on the server, which described on the first step.


In addition to any infotype fields you can also include passport photos of your employees in the infotype header in Infotype Header Definition view (T588J).

In the System Table view (T77S0), determine the document type with which you want to enter the passport photos in the optical archive.

I have customized by seeing photos in PA20, PA30, ... but it doesn´t run correctly. When I execute the OAAD transaction the result is ok, but when I look at PA30 I can´t see the photo.

In PA30 if I look by "Extras-> display all facsimiles" the photo appears correctly, so the photo is assigned to the employee number.

Then my problem is in the initial screen in PA20, PA30,... (when the photo doesn´t appears. I have read in other topics that you have changed the table T588J, but I don´t know what to change.

You have to use PERNR PIC somewhere in the lay-out you use !

I have changed it but the photo doesn´t appears. There is something else wrong.

From an OSS message from SAP:

For using an employee picture in the PA20/PA30 please check that you have a correct customization for the infotype header.

For further information please have a look at the corresponding point in the customizing for 'Personnel Administration' - 'Define Dynpro header'.

You have to check the table T588J and T77S0 (define document type for pictures). Additionally, remember that the photo should be in JPG format."

You may find helpful note 353949.

T588J could look like:

00 1 60 0001 PERNR PIC

The problem is solved. It was a authoritation requirement.

How to assign wage type to adjustment in compensation module?

I have some problem in assigning wage type to adjustment in compensation.
In IMG( Compenation management--> Adjustment--> Define wage type models for adjustment), I set wage types for adjustment, however, I cannot figure out how to integrate wage types with adjustment.

In "Define adjustment"(IMG) there is no column where I can set wage type.

You first select the model. For the model, define the wagetype (eg. CM01). You assign the model to the adjustment type. Then when you actually do the adjustment, the system will use the wage type in creating an IT 0380 and also update 0008.

How to assign wage type to adjustment in compensation module?

I have some problem in assigning wage type to adjustment in compensation.
In IMG( Compenation management--> Adjustment--> Define wage type models for adjustment), I set wage types for adjustment, however, I cannot figure out how to integrate wage types with adjustment. In "Define adjustment"(IMG) there is no column where I can set wage type.

You first select the model. For the model, define the wagetype (eg. CM01). You assign the model to the adjustment type. Then when you actually do the adjustment, the system will use the wage type in creating an IT 0380 and also update 0008.

Some wage type questions

We are implementing Version 4.0B at a company in Dubai, just 'across the way' from you. I have been working on payroll in South Africa since the beginning of 1998 and this is my first implementation on the new international version, without a country-specific payroll to use as a base.

We have had some strange problems with odd HR policies and it has certainly added to the challenge of implementing payroll in the UAE.

Our mandate here as consultants is to implement SAP standard, so we are extremely limited when it comes to ABAPs or any such thing. We have used features to the best of our knowledge to do what we can, but there are a number of validations that the users wish to do, but are limited because of the project management rules on the mandate.

The ABAPs we have had approved are absolute necessities without which we would have only a half-baked implementation. I would like to if possible provide some solutions to the validation issues our client has.

I've heard through the SAP grapevine that one can use features to validate payroll master data for wage types. For example, the situation we have come across here is that the company would like to validate a number of different parts of master data for certain wage types that their employees do or don't get: For a wage type "Bachelor Allowance" (which refers to bachelor apartments - confusing!) they want to validate against the marital status of the employee. If he is single he gets X amount according to his grade, if he is married he gets Y amount according to his grade. So T510 alone is not enough. And the two wage types should be mutually exclusive,

i.e. if he gets one, he can't have the other on an additional IT0014 record.

Another example is validating the employee's basic salary against a table like T510N. The problem being that T510N validates against ANNUAL salary not monthly and I cannot find anywhere in the system where one can set it to look at the amount field for the basic salary wage type rather than the annual salary field. Also this is the only table I can find that allows for validation against a range per wage type per grade (payscale group).
We are currently looking at user exits to try and make a plan, but that's a bit limited for the complexity of this issue.

If there are any features that you perhaps know of that can be adjusted to validate certain payroll master data against wage types, I would be glad of your advice.

Now I've rattled on enough, but I'd be happy to share ideas and our experiences on this side if there is any way I can help.

Most of the work you are describing is outside of payroll. Much of this can be done through the benefits module or using IT0014 or IT0015. Some of these types of payments are just dynamically generated wage types that you will have to create based n the employee sub group or other parameters that exist. For example, we have transportation allowance based on where the employee lives and where he works. We will set up a separate IT0006 subtype for these and then read them in payroll and then make a decision on them. (We will also look at what other countries are using and use them as a model
to support our needs.)

We have only seen T510N used successfully in the USA with the US payroll. The same for benefits. We have chosen to set our country code to the US because our corporate model follows the USA patterns for payroll the closest. We still will have to write a lot of PCRs, etc.

Without writing a user exit we don't know how to use table t510n, except on an annual basis. We have tried to use it on a monthly basis also.

We have written SAP about that and they said we were the only other company outside of the USA that wanted that. Now, of course, you could let them know your problems, too. (SAP will deny that we asked them about this, unless you are very clear with them, that others are really interested in using this functionality.)

We want to run payrolls with 4 currencies. And SAP has problems with that also. Watch out for fake FX gains and losses.

We are now working with 4.5A.

We are going to have quite a few dynamically generated wage types, because of which employee group or subgroup or personnel area or sub area an employee is in. (These will not appear in any IT).

Deleting personnel numbers in SAP HR

If you have some duplicated, personnel numbers on the system and the data is not complete.

You try to delete these and get the message "
record cannot be deleted (time constraint 1)".

The fastest and simplest way to delete employees is to use program

Either that or from
PA30, click to Utilities -> Delete Personnel Number.

Certain infotypes have the time constraint set so that you cannot delete them which is why it is giving you the message.

To avoid problems, use the above methods.

How to Delete the Personnel Numbers created in the Server?

For deleting a personnel number, please follow these steps:

1. Note down the position to which the employee belongs..Go to PO13 and delete the relationship of the position with the holder.

2. Now go to PU00, enter the personnel number and execute. In the next screen, select all infotypes using F7.

DO NOT select one by one infotype and try to delete. Once all infotypes are selected, use the trash can symbol to complete the delete process.

Change of Employee Position

During the course of a person employment, the employee may changes positions, cost centers, or is moved to another subsidiary and the organizational assignment need to be change.

Do take note that you cannot change the employee’s payroll area for a period for which the employee’s payroll has already run. You can only change the payroll area at the end of the payroll period.

In Personnel Actions, PA40 :-

1. Input the Personnel Number

2. Select Organizational reassignment and click the execute button

3. Input the Start date for the reassignment

4. Click the save button and the Position Change screen will appear

5. Save your entries

Recruitment and Joining Formalities

I would like to know that once the candidate's data has been key in, what we need to do at the time of his joining formalities. Can the data be directly transfered from the rect. module to PA module. In such a case what steps we need to follow.

If you like to transfer a candidate from the recruiting (PB) to the personnel administration (PA), you should use transaction code PA40 with action 'Hiring candidate'.

Infotype 0139 stores the PB-number of the new person.

I have completed all the entries in Rect. module. I have filled the applicant actions till "Prepare to hire", now what is to be done further in PB60. or if I am wrong, then can you explain me how it is to be done. If you can send me the flow chart that will be of great help.

Just understand that if you want to hire an applicant you can do so from PA Environment which is much advisable in case of External applicant. In case of internal applicant you can do so from both Rec. as well as PA. when the final status of applicant is "prepare to hire" you reached to final status in Recruitment and now you come down to PA environment and run the action from PA40 - Hire applicant or what ever customized action you have.

Most important is you have to have pass doors between Recruitment and Pers. Admn i.e. set integrations (here the Features needs to be activated i.e. PAPLI, PRELR, PRELI). If you have set right integrations than data can flow between Recruitment and PA. Data flow means, certain infotypes which are maintained during selection process in Recruitment will then automatically updated in PA i.e. Education, Personal details, address, Skills/Qualifications etc.

As Micheal has rightly told that Basic applicant details will be stored in infotype 0139.

Hope I addressed to your point. But I like to have one question here open for you, try to explore. "How does the system know that i am trying to hire an applicant i.e from Recruitment or directly without Recruitment process"? I put it in other way what is the difference between "Hire Employee" action and "Hire applicant" action. If you try to explore answers to these questions you will have more clarity on these sub modules.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

What Is The Difference Between PCR and CAP

Personnel Calculation Rule:(PCR)

It is the instructions to execute defined tasks in Time Management and Payroll. A Personnel Calculation Rules consist of one or more operations. It also contains one or more subarea. A personnel calculation rule is a frame of work instruction that is checked with the existing conditions and a resulting action is performed.

The Personnel Calculation rule allows one wage type to be processed in different ways in payroll accounting. The value of the standard pay wage type should be used as a basis of valuation for hourly wage earners. The value of the standard pay wage type should be divided by the planned working hours before being used as a basis of valuation for salaried employees.

1 – Hourly wage earner

2 – Monthly wage earner

3 – Salaried employee

Collective Agreement Provisions: (CAP)

A standard agreement designates the same pay scale groups and level for both hourly wage earners and salaried employees, however the user must still be able to enter hourly or monthly values in the pay scale table.

1 – Industrial workers / hourly wage

2 – Industrial workers / monthly wage

3 – Salaried employee

4 – Non Pay scale employees

5 – Public servant

General Idea About UK, US, Indian Payroll

These are the differences among Indian, U.K and U.S payrolls:

Differnce between the US and Indian payroll can be broadly categoried on two basis :-

1. For Contract Employees

2. For Salaried Employees

For salaried employees, mostly the norms are same, but most of the employees are on contract basis Therefore their classification is mainly on two grounds W2 and 1099. In W2 company pay the taxes and in 1099 employee pay the taxes.

The contract employee fee is mainly based on hourly basis for which they are billed. But the vendor takes care of the contract employee salary. This means the company send a time sheet to the vendor and vendor then makes the payment to employee.

SAP has given country specific payrolls for more than 38 countries and periodically SAP is releasing the country versions for new countries Each country specific version is called country version. When sap says country version it includes country specific civil, tax laws, contributory and other tax laws (all these details are populated in the country specific info types).

Pay roll driver and Schema:

- For each Payroll country version there is a country-specific payroll driver with the technical name RPCALCx0 or HxxCALC0 .

- For programs with the technical name RPCALCx0 , the x is replaced with a country indicator, for example, Z for South Africa D for Germany, , or X for "Other countries".

- For programs with the technical name HxxCALC0, the xx is replaced with the ISO code of the respective country, for example MX for Mexico, or G.B for U.K.

Pay roll schema:

- The payroll schema contains calculation rules to be used by the payroll driver during payroll. SAP has developed country-specific schemas which are based on standard schema X000. When it is country specific ,the first character in the name refers to the country indicator (for example, G for U.K, F for France D for Germany etc.). When you run any country’s pay roll in the sap system some common info groups which are part of international pay roll and personnel administration.

Some of them are:

- Personnel data ( address-6, bank details97 personal data-2,challenges-4 etc..)

- Actions ( 0000 info type)

- Organizational data

- Contractual and contract agreements (Company Instructions info type 0035 , Corporate Function 0034 ) Etc.,

So when run a pay for a specific country, besides general information valid for the international pay roll, one needs to enter specific details in the particular info types for example if you are running U.K pay roll you need enter The National Insurance number (NI number) used by the Contributions Agency (CA) to uniquely identify an employee in the info type 0002-personal data and if its U S pay roll there is social security number and if its south Africa it some SARS code etc.. all these are available in personal data-national features.

Apart from these they are some country specific info types for each country pay roll. For U.K pay roll there are some specific info types:

- Tax Data Info type 0065—PAYE (Pay as you earn) details are stored.

- WFTC/DPTC Info type 0087- employees tax credit details are stored.

- National Insurance Info type 0069 National Insurance –Info type 0069.

- Pension Funds Info type -0071 .

- Court Orders/Student Loans (info type 0070) record for them with the appropriate court
order subtype.

- Court Orders/Student Loans (Info type 0070): to record and deduct student loan repayments as specified by the Inland Revenue.

- Company Cars- Info type 0442.

- Offshore Tax GB -Info type 0570.

This info type allows you to record an employee's tax details for Isle of Man, Jersey, or Guernsey and Alderney Offshore Social Security GB -Info type 0571 to record an employee's social security details for Jersey or Guernsey and Alderney.

Then there is SMP SSP details specific to U.K pay roll:

- SMP is Statutory Maternity pay.

- SMP is Statutory Sickness pay

- SAP -Statutory Adoption Pay and

- SPP- Statutory Paternity Pay.

The rates for SMP,SSP,SPP and SAP vary, so accordingly they need to be updated with the latest changes. Every year like Indian Tax rates , there in U.K also changes take place with regard to Tax slabs ( which needed to be reflected in PAYE.. Pay as you earn), civil and social and tax laws. In fact from Oct 2006 this year, there are going to be many changes in the various laws related to employees in U.K All this need to be populated in respective info types. Like wise U.S pay roll has got some specific info types which are large in number as it has a complex system in place.

This is general idea about U.K pay roll.

Creating Customer Specific Functions for HR Payroll

During the execution of payroll, 'Personnel Calculation Schema' (created using Transaction: PE01) is used to calculate the employee's salary. The schema comprises of funtions (created using Transaction: PE04), inorder to incorporate cutomer specific calculation routines during execution of payroll, SAP allows you to create payroll functions in customer namspace (Starting from Y or Z).

Step by Step creation of SAP Payroll Funcitons:

1) Follow the menu path

HumanResources>>TimeManagement>>Administration>>Tools>>Funtions/Operations or transaction PE04. Enter a four digit name for e.g ZIABC, and press the create button, enter the description. On creation the system proposes the name of the routine use it, or enter a name of your choice by selecting the option 'Self-defined'.

2) During the execution of payroll some tables are filled with wage types and there amounts to make these tables available to your routine enter the name of the table for e.g (RT or CRT) in the input parameters, and to make the changes done to the data in the tables avaiable to the payroll enter the name of the table in the Output parameters as well.

Input Parameters



Object Name






and same shall be done in the Output Paramters if required.

3) Create an include in the program PCBURZ990 (using Transaction: SE38), in which create a subroutine with the name supplied by SAP or the name selected by you during Funtion creation, in our case, it is FUZIABC.

Note: The program PCBURZ990 is in SAP Namespace, so an Access Key
will be required before you can proceed. But it will not be overwritten during any upgrade.

*Example of the subroutine

*enter the code

4) After this activate the program the Funtion and add it in the schema used for payroll processing.

Question on Payroll Journal Report for Print Forma

Technical Question on Payroll Journal Report for Print Forma

I need to know how and where to find a Print Format Form

I'm executing Payroll Journal Report, there is a option of how to display the report which SAP call as Print Format. then you select form to display. it's not SAPSCRIPT ok.

Does anyone know where to find that form, and display.

Transaction PE51 (Form Editor).


Payroll Journal - Totals Section

I would like to insert new wage types in the payroll journal. Since the forms for the details and totals section are different. I have inserted the new wage types in both the forms using PE51. However, the new wage types are only appearing in the details section and not the totals section. Is there any other configuration that I have to do?

You must cumulate yours wgtype in **** in order to have column with this certain wgtype in totals.

You must define this wgtype **** as cumuilation wgtype only on detail page level. On total page you just put wgtype that you going to see as normal.

Thanks for your help. Now, it's working. The wage type should be added in the cum. ID **** for both the forms namely details and totals.


Unable to add wage type to the total display of Payroll Journal

I am not able to add a wage type to the total display of the payroll journal. there is a form in which I added this wage type for the display. But, it does not display on that journal. Can you please give me some ideas how to resolve this issue?

Have a look at V_512W_D and check the Evaluation Class (2) for your wage type.

If the value is blank, it will not be displayed in your form, even if the wage type is specifcally defined in your form. You need a non-blank value for your evaluation class (2) in order to print.

The Eval Class for that WT already has the value 3 (Earnings) in it. Can you please tell me what else to look for?

The Payroll Journal uses 4 separate forms for the print format

(1) Page Header

(2) Continuation Excerpt

(3) Employee Data Excerpt

(4) Totals Block

Did you add your new wage type to both (3) and (4) print formats?

Be aware that in the totals form, with the cummulation ID's, all wagetypes that you want to have cumulated are:

1) Assigned to a cumulation ID of choice and

2) also assigned to cumulation ID ****

Sunday not being considered as a regular working day

The requirement for work schedules is that there are no Saturdays and Sundays, just a 6th day/Day-off and 7th day/Rest day. My employee's planned working time is from Sunday to Thursday, with Friday and Saturday as 6th and 7th day, respectively. However, when I test my employee for overtime rendered on a Sunday (which should be considered as a regular working day), there is no OT calculated for Sunday. The daily work schedule for Sunday can be seen in the employee's PSP table, but no OT time wage type is generated in the table ZL.

Is there something I am missing.

Will deeply appreciate any help that can be given to me.

You can check Day Type selection rule - perhaps it is ssuch that for Holiday class blank on a sunday, day type 1 is selected.

You can either change the day type selection rule, or for this particular employee, you can enter substitution record on a sunday as a day type "blank". Then Time Eval should calcluate OT as if it is a normal working day.

Another alternative is in the schema you can include a rule, which checks if employee is at work in Suunday and give the DAYPG as paid working day.
Essentially, I think it is because of the day type you are facing problems and there a re a few ways to solve this.

But I have configured the day type selection rule for Sunday which is the same for the weekdays and Saturday, that is all 1 for holiday class 1 to 9 and holiday class b is blank. If I fix the problem through the schema, where in the schema and what kind of a condition should I set up? I'm very familiar with PY schemas and rules, but I have to admit that I am not too knowledgeable about Time Mgt.

Iam sure hope that you can help me because this problem has been giving me a big headache for the past few days.

On a re-reading of your problem, I see that you have stated that the Wagetype is not being generated in the table ZL - Maybe you should relook at your wagetype selection rule table t510s. Here also you set the conditions of the day for which the wagetype is applicable - whether you have set that it is ok for wagetype to be generated on sunday?

Also check what you have set for the function DAYMO in schema TM00 - DAYMO has 4 parameters - the second and fourth are for Sundays - based on what you put here, schema will read corrsponding rule from table T510S. Is there a correspodning rule for Sunday in T510s????

I am giving below the place where the dws is changed iin the schema, but you can try that as a last resort if the above config is not working out.

BLOCK BEG Provide time data

IF NOT SIMF No simulation for future periods

PERT TD20 Evaluate errors from pair format

P2011 Provide time pairs and daily WS

ACTIO TD10 End if daily work schedule still

A2003 Process work center substitution

ACTIO TD60 AB Convert daily WS if RWH and leav

P2001 Provide absence data of the day

P2002 Provide attendance data of the d

PTIP TD80 GEN Process absence/attendance reaso

ACTIO TD90 Process generated locked records

P2005 * Provide overtime data of the day

PTIP TD40 GEN * Set PTYPE/TTYPE for overtime

ACTIO TD30 Dynamic DWS assignment: Clock-in


I have pasted the xtract of TM00 above - Just after we have imported the planned working times and actual working times, there is the line ACTIO TD60 - please have a look at rule TD60 -

You can make a copy of this rule, with your own requirements - Rule TD60 checks if there is a leave and changes the DWS for that day. Pl look up the documentation for the operation DAYPG.

You are so good!!!!

It was the day grouping settings at the function DAYMO in the schema that did the trick. I copied the line and placed all 01 in the parameters. Finally, overtime wagetypes for Sunday are being generated and can be seen in the ZL table.

Thank you very, very much! You have saved me more sleepless nights!

Day types

The client organisation works on 1st and 4th Satuarday of every month , and 2nd and 3rd satuarday are off. Please tell me how to create Period work schedule for this .

It's very simple. you should use the week number in period work schedule and declair this work
schedule 4 time one for each week.

One payroll for two month

An option will be to run the payroll for November in December and then December in December. Then in February run for January and then February payroll.

Retro to December can be forced on the payroll run screen. You will find a field called "Forced Retro to"

It means you would have two payroll results and two DME files in December and then again in February.

You could try exiting November without running and then run December. You should find that it will detect that November has no results and auto retro to November. But need to ensure you have not been in corrections for November, otherwise the system will say employees in error (which you can change the status of the individuals - if not too many).

Another option is to delete the control record (if the above option doesn't work) and recreate to have next payroll in December but still with your original retro period.

You should test these in your user acceptance system to ensure there are no side effects.

Posting The Payroll Results To FICO

For posting payroll results to Accounting, in IMG you can follow this :





The prerequisite for posting is -Enter posting information in Master data and run payroll. After doing that follow this posting process:-

a) Create a document

b) release document ( it asks do u want to release for posting-say post immediately)

c) post document

Though the t.code FB03 you can do completeness check of the document.

Now execute the posting run - a posting run can be performed as a test run without documents / a simulation run / a productive run.

In a simulation and production run the system checks all HR and FI tables and the posting info in master data to determine whether they exist.

In a test run the system checks only the balance of expenses and payables.

Now you chose execute run - next select release post run - now post post run - finally it generates index info.

I have to create a new wage type for additional payments. This has to look at a payroll constant and calculate the amount to be paid. What I would like to know is when I do this do I have to do anything so that the amount in this Wage Type will be posted to FI like create a G/L ? Or will this be posted automatically along with other wage types?

If you are copying wage type xxxx to create your new wage type for additional payment, there is a chance that your posting will take place similar to wage type xxxx.

Rest is pure config in payroll. There is a full section for it. Symbolic accounts...... G/Ls....Accrual A/Cs.... pretty involved stuff. Without a FI guru with you ...I won't advise proceeding forward.

That depends on how you create the wage type. The link is done in some T52E* table, which is for instance copied by PU30. If you create the wage type by creating it directly in T512W (via view V_512W_T), then you will have to do the link additionally. The standard way to create a wagetype is however to find a corresponding wage type, which has the same (or similar) functionality as the one you want to create and then use PU30 to copy this wage type to the new wage type.

Thereby a lot of tables (I think in the newest, 4.6C, it's around 95 tables) are checked and if needed the entries are copied. Amongst those tables you will also find the ones establishing the links to FI's G/L.

Following comments relate specifically to 3.1H. They may or may not apply to your system.

Normally a new wage type is created by copying an existing wage type, either a model wage type that has some standard attributes, or an existing actual wage type in production use.

Your config changes will need to set up the new wage type so that the amount is derived from your payroll constant. However, the posting to FI will have been copied from the wage type you copied. The posting is represented by processing class 32 and evaluation class 01 (of table T512W) for a payment wage type. Provided the new wage type is similar in its posting requirement to the one you have copied you only need to do two things now:

1. ensure that processing class 32 is the correct option for the type of posting you want.

2. ensure that the value in evaluation class 01, also known as a symbolic account, correctly represents the target account number in FI for this expense.

If you have to post to an existing account number, for which there is already a symbolic account allocated, you can set evaluation class 01 to that symbolic account.
If the payment is so different from existing payment types, that your accountants want it posted to a new account code, you need to

3. allocate a new symbolic account number (next available number in the range)

4. insert a new entry in table T030, "Posting of HR to FI/CO", linking the new symbolic account to the account number advised by your FI administrator.

It's actually easier to do than describe.

SAP Payroll Accounting

SAP Payroll Accounting

This is the first time I am setting up system for UK payroll. We are using Citrix (Preconfigured version for UK)

To build a demo, an employee was hired effective 01.01.2001, A record for Org Assignment, Planned working time, Payroll Status and Basic Pay are existing (All effective 01.01.2001).

In It 0003, earliest pers RA date is 01.01.2001 and PDC recalculation date is 01.01.2001.

What sequence of activities should be used if I have to run the payroll till 01.06.2001.

Need a guidence on the above

You do not need to do something more than usual. If you change the control record of the payroll area of the employee (transaction pa03) to 06.2001, and run the payroll afterwards, the payroll automatically calculates all the payrolls from Jan to June.

i hope this will help.

Personnel Area Change for Certain Employees

I have done it for US. The process is follows...........

Step1. Goto pa40-enter personal number and date-Action type(Inter company change)-create. Then it brings up 0000 action screen then enter reason for action-enter defalt position-Enter personal area .

No need to change EG and ESG. Then save.

Then you will get display 0002 , just bypass that screen.

Step2. Then 0001 screen-Enter Personal sub area(new one), Enter contract number(if you have), administrator name and superwiser name then save.

Then bypass all screens or else enter data depends on requirement.

Step3. Pa30-enter 0003 infotype-change-check the box for ''. Then save.

Step 4. Position information ;

Goto po13- maintain all relationships for new company like A002,A003,A007,A008,A011. Then maitain Infotype 1008(acc/assignment features). Here you can enter PA and PSA then save.

Then verify infotype 1013(EG/ESG) remains same like was before.

Step 5. Goto again PA30-enter 0003-change-then UNCHECK the box 'Pers no lock'

Then save it.

Then change all benifits cepends on the requirement.

Then finally you need to send a mail to people who has been transfered.

SAP HR Personnel number check

I am trying to implement HR: Personnel number check to stop administrators changing their own data. I have set it up as indicated in SAP help, but cannot get it to work. Can anyone tell me the settings that need to be in place to implement - both in terms of the authorisation profile in PFCG and for master data.

1. ( sounds like you did it) set the P_PERNR flag to "on" Tcode OOAC in 4.6 prgram MSAUTHSW ( or somthing like this)

2. P_PERNR value 'E' ( no 'I') and proper infotype

3. Populate info type 0105 subtype 0001 with the user IDs ( links the userID with the personel record

4. populate t513a ( I do not recall how this is done authomatically may be report RHPROFL0)and may not be used in 4.6 I beleive it uses IT0105

Note also, depending on the version of SAP the P_PERNR does not work as documented... example if you want a user to change a specific Infotype of their own along with everyone elses you do not give P_PERNR at to that user for that info type...

You may need to play with P_PERNR. note also in 4.6 a '*' means something even though the documentation says it does not.

Thanks for those tips, I have done everything suggested apart from T513a, so I'll give that a try. Apart from that, when you say a '*' means something, can you be more specific?

If you are in VERSION 4.6 SAP checks for '*' in the 'Interpretation of assignment' and reacts differently dispite the documentation which says "The value '*' is not allowed in this context."
In version 4.5- the '*' in this field will cause it to work improperly when you want the user to have access to both 'E' and 'I', so you are better off not using the '*'

Number Range for Personnel Numbers

Number Range for Personnel Numbers

You have Two options:

Internal number assignment which the SAP System assigns the personnel numbers.

External number assignment which the user assigns the personnel numbers.

To set the Personnel Numbers range :-

IMG - Personnel Management -> Personnel Administration -> Basic Settings

-> PA04 - Maintain number range intervals for personnel numbers

-> PE03 - Determine defaults for number ranges

For e.g.

01 - External
02 - Internal

SAP HR - Hiring/Maintaing a new employee

SAP Menu -> Human Resources -> Personnel Management -> HR Master Data
-> PA40 - Enter Personnel Actions

To Enter a new Employee

1. Input the Personnel No.
2. Input the From date
3. Select the line Hiring by clicking the button
4. Click the Execute button

If an employee exists, sap will prompt you the message :-

Person already hired
Message no. PG 002

SAP Menu -> Human Resources -> Personnel Management -> HR Master Data
-> PA30 - Maintain HR Master Data (Employee Master Data)

Basic Personnel Tabstrips

Those with a Tick beside the line items means that information have been enter.

To change information, select the line items and click the Change button.

PA30 Tabstrips :-

Basic Personnel Data


.Family/Related Person

.Organizational Assignment


.Personal Data

.Maternity Protection/Parental Leave

.Bank details

.Military Service

.Contract Data

.Leave Entitlement

Gross Net Payroll

.Basic pay

.Company Insurance

Net Payroll

Additional Payroll Data / Planning Data / Time

Assign employee subgroup to employee group

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Human Resources Management
-> Assign employee subgroup to employee group

Double click on the line items


Tick the country to activate

Assignment of Personnel Area to Company Code

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Human Resources Management
-> Assignment of Personnel Area to Company Code

Personnel Area

Company Code

City Group






PA Personnel Administration Tables
PA0000 HR Master Record: Infotype 0000 (Actions)
PA0001 HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
PA0002 HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
PA0003 HR Master Record: Infotype 0003 (Payroll Status)
PA0004 HR Master Record: Infotype 0004 (Challenge)
PA0005 HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement)
PA0006 HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
PA0007 HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time)
PA0008 HR Master Record: Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)
PA0009 HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
PA0010 HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation)
PA0011 HR Master Record: Infotype 0011 (Ext.Bank Transfers)
PA0012 HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany)
PA0013 Infotype Social Insurance - Germany
PA0014 HR Master Record: Infotype 0014 (Recurr. Bens/Deducs)
PA0015 HR Master Record: Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments)
PA0016 HR Master Record: Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements)
PA0017 HR master record: Infotype 0017 (Travel Privileges)
PA0019 HR Master Record: Infotype 0019 (Monitoring of Dates)
PA0020 HR Master Record: Infotype 0020 (DUEVO)
PA0021 HR Master Record: Infotype 0021 (Family)
PA0022 HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)
PA0023 HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Previous Employment)
PA0024 HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)
PA0025 HR Master Record: Infotype 0025 (Personal Appraisals)
PA0026 HR Master Record: Infotype 0026 (Company Pension Plan)
PA0027 HR Master Record: Infotype 0027 (Cost Distribution)
PA0028 HR Master Record: Infotype 0028 (Int. Medical Service)
PA0029 HR Master Record: Infotype 0029 (Workers' Compensation)
PA0030 HR Master Record: Infotype 0030 (Powers of Attorney)
PA0031 HR Master Record: Infotype 0031 (Reference Pers.Nos.)
PA0032 HR Master Record: Infotype 0032 (Internal Control)
PA0033 International Infotype 0033: Statistics Exceptions
PA0034 HR Master Record: Infotype 0034 (Corporate Functions)
PA0035 HR Master Record: Infotype 0035 (Comp.Instr.)
PA0036 HR Master Record: Infotype 0036 (Social Insurance CH)
PA0037 HR Master Record: Infotype 0037 (Insurance)
PA0038 HR Master Record: Infotype 0038 (Tax - CH)
PA0039 HR Master Record: Infotype 0039 (Add. Org. Assign. CH)
PA0040 HR Master Record: Infotype 0040 (Objects on Loan)
PA0041 HR Master Record: Infotype 0041 (Date Specifications)
PA0042 HR Master Record: Infotype 0042 (Tax - Austria)
PA0043 HR Master Record: Infotype 0043 (Family Allowance - A)
PA0044 HR Master Record: Infotype 0044 (Social Insurance - A)
PA0045 HR Master Record: Infotype 0045 (Company Loans)
PA0046 HR Master Record: Infotype 0046 (Pension Fund - CH)
PA0048 HR Master Record: Infotype 0048 (Residence Status - CH)
PA0049 HR Master Record: Infotype 0049 (Red.Hrs./Bad Weather)
PA0050 HR Master Record: Infotype 0050 (Time Recording)
PA0051 HR Master Record: Infotype 0051 (ASB/SPI Data)
PA0052 HR Master Record: Infotype 0052 (Wage Maintenance)
PA0053 HR Master Record: Infotype 0053 (Pension Reserves)
PA0054 HR Master Record: Infotype 0054 (Works Council Pay)
PA0055 HR Master Record: Infotype 0055 (Previous Employer - A)
PA0056 HR Master Record: Infotype 0056 (Sick Certificates-A)
PA0057 HR Master Record: Infotype 0057 (Membership Fees)
PA0058 HR Master Record: Infotype 0058 (Commuter Lump Sum A)
PA0059 HR Master Record: Infotype 0059 (Social Insurance - NL)
PA0060 HR Master Record: Infotype 0060 (Fiscal Data - Netherlands)
PA0061 HR Master Record: Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - E)
PA0062 HR Master Record: Infotype 0062 (Tax - E)
PA0063 HR Master Record: Infotype 0063 (Social Ins. Funds NL)
PA0064 HR Master Record: Infotype 0064 (Social Insurance - F)
PA0065 HR Master Record: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB)
PA0066 HR Master data infotype 0066 - Canadian garnishment: order
PA0067 HR master data infotype 0067 - Canadian garnishment: debt
PA0068 HR master data infotype 0068 - Canadian garnishment: adjust
PA0069 HR Master Record: Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance - GB)
PA0070 HR Master Record: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders - GB)
PA0071 HR Master Record: Infotype 0071 (Pension Funds - GB)
PA0072 HR Master Record: Infotype 0072 (Tax - DK)
PA0073 HR Master Record: Infotype 0073 (Private Pensions - DK)
PA0074 HR Master Record: Infotype 0074 (Vacation/SH DK)
PA0075 HR Master Record: Infotype 0075 (ATP Pension - DK)
PA0076 HR Master Record: Infotype 0076 (Workers Compensation NA)
PA0077 HR Master Record: Infotype 0077 (Additional Personal Data)
PA0078 HR Master Record: Infotype 0078 (Loan Payments)
PA0079 Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D
PA0080 HR Master Record: Infotype 0080 (Maternity Protection)
PA0081 HR Master Record: Infotype 0081 (Military Service)
PA0082 HR Master Record: Infotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data)
PA0083 HR Master Record: Infotype 0083 (Leave Compensation)
PA0084 HR Master Record: Infotype 0084 (Sickness Pay Control - GB)
PA0085 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0085 (Work Incapacity Periods GB)
PA0086 HR Master Record: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions GB)
PA0088 HR Master Record: Infotype 0088 (SMP Record - GB)
PA0090 HR Master Record: Infotype 0090 (Various Payee Keys)
PA0092 HR Master Record: Infotype 0092 (Seniority - E)
PA0093 HR Master Record: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employer - D)
PA0094 HR Master Record: Infotype 0094 (Residence Status - NA)
PA0095 HR Master Record: Infotype 0095 (Tax Canada)
PA0096 HR Master Record: Infotype 0096 (Tax - USA)
PA0097 No longer used - will be deleted
PA0098 HR Master Record: Infotype 0098 (Profit Sharing - F)
PA0099 No longer used - will be deleted
PA0100 HR Master Record: Infotype 0100 (SI B)
PA0101 HR Master Record: Infotype 0101 (Tax B)
PA0102 HR Master Record: Infotype 0102 (Grievances NA)
PA0103 HR Master Record: Infotype 0103 (Bond Purchases NA)
PA0104 HR Master Record: Infotype 0104 (Bond Denominations NA)
PA0105 HR Master Record: Infotype 0105 (Communications)
PA0106 HR Master Record: Infotype 0106 (Related Persons NA)
PA0107 HR Master Record: Infotype 0107 (Work Schedule B)
PA0108 HR Master Record: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B)
PA0109 HR Master Record: Infotype 0109 (Contract Elements B)
PA0110 HR Master Record: Infotype 0110 (Pensions NL)
PA0111 HR Master Record: Infotype 0111 (Garnishment Admin. D)
PA0112 HR Master Record: Infotype 0112 (Garn.Repaym. D)
PA0113 HR Master Record: Infotype 0113 (Garnishment Int. D)
PA0114 HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishable Amount D)
PA0115 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0115 (Garnishment Wages D )
PA0116 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0116 (Garn.Transfer D)
PA0117 HR Master Record: Infotype 0117 (Garnishment Comp.)
PA0118 HR Master Record: Infotype 0118 (Child Allowance D)
PA0119 HR Master Record: Infotype 0119 (Annual Income CA D)
PA0120 HR Master Record: Infotype 0120 (Pension Fund Trans. CH)
PA0121 HR Master Record: Infotype 0121 (RefPerNo Priority)
PA0122 HR Master Record: Infotype 0122 (Child Allowance Bonus D)
PA0123 No longer used - will be deleted
PA0124 No longer used - will be deleted
PA0125 HR Master Record: Infotype 0125 (Garnishment B)
PA0126 Infotype: Supplementary Pension Germany
PA0127 HR Master Record: Infotype 0127 (Commuting NL)
PA0128 HR Master Record: Infotype 0128 (Notifications)
PA0129 HR Master Record: Infotype 0129 (Text Number Assign.)
PA0130 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0130 (Checking Procedures)
PA0131 HR Master Record: Infotype 0131 (Garn.Mgmt.Data A)
PA0132 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0132 (Garnishment A)
PA0133 HR Master Record: Infotype 0133 (Garnsh.Interest A)
PA0134 HR Master Record: Infotype 0134 (Garnishable Amount A)
PA0135 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0135 (Garn.Spec.Cond. A)
PA0136 HR Master Record: Infotype 0136 (Garnish.Trans A)
PA0137 HR Master Record: Infotype 0137 (Garnish.Comp. A)
PA0138 HR Master Record: Infotype 0138 (Family/Ref.Pers B)
PA0139 HR Master Record: Infotype 0139 (Employees Appl.No)
PA0140 HR Master Record: Infotype 0140 (SI Basic Data JP)
PA0141 HR Master Record: Infotype 0141 (SI Premium Data JP)
PA0142 HR Master Record: Infotype 0142 (Residence Tax JP)
PA0143 HR Master Record: Infotype 0143 (Life Insurance JP)
PA0144 HR Master Record: Infotype 0144 (Property Accum. JP)
PA0145 HR Master Record: Infotype 0145 (Personnel Tax Status JP)
PA0146 HR Master Record: Infotype 0146 (Y.E.A. Data JP)
PA0147 HR Master Record: Infotype 0147
PA0148 HR Master Record: Infotype 0148 (Family JP)
PA0149 HR Master Record Infotype 0149 (Tax Data South Africa)
PA0150 HR Master Record Infotype 0150 (Social Insurance SA)
PA0151 HR Master Record Infotype 0151 (Ext.Insurance South Africa)
PA0161 HR Master Record: Infotype 0161 (Limits IRS)
PA0162 HR Master Record: Infotype 0162 (Ins. Y.E.T.A Data JP)
PA0165 HR Master Record: Infotype 0165 (Limits Deductions)
PA0167 HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Care Plans)
PA0168 HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans)
PA0169 HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plans)
PA0170 HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Spending Accounts)
PA0171 HR Master Record: Infotype 0171 (General Benefits Data)
PA0172 HR Master Record: Infotype 0172 (Pension Insurance)
PA0177 HR Master Record: Infotype 0177 [Wet Allochtonenreg.] (NL)
PA0179 HR Master Record: Infotype 0179 (Tax SG)
PA0181 HR Master Record: Infotype 0181 [Add. Funds] (SG)
PA0182 HR Master Record: Infotype 0182 [Alternative Names] (SG)
PA0183 HR Master Record: Infotype 0183 [Awards] (SG)
PA0184 HR Master Record: Infotype 0184 [Resume text] (SG)
PA0185 HR Master Record: Infotype 0185 [Identification] (SG)
PA0186 HR Master Record: Infotype 0186 [Social Insurance] (SG)
PA0188 Tax (Australia)
PA0189 HR Master Record Infotype 0189 (Construction Industry Wages)
PA0190 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0190 (BuildingTradePrevERDat)
PA0191 HR Master Record Infotype 0191 (BuildingTradeReimbursExpens)
PA0192 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0192 (BuildingTrade Attrib)
PA0194 HR Master Record Infotype 0194 (Garnishment Document)
PA0195 HR Master Record Infotype 0195 (Garnishment Order)
PA0196 HR Master Record:Infotype 0196 (Employee Provident Fund MY)
PA0197 HR Master Record:Infotype 0197 (SOCSO Contributions MY)
PA0198 Sheduled Tax Deductuion Malaysia
PA0199 Tax deduction CP38 / Additional amt / Bonus - Malaysia
PA0200 HR Master Record, Infotype 0200 (Garnishments DK)
PA0201 Personnel master record infotype 0201 (basic pension amnts)
PA0204 HR Master Record, Infotype 0204 (DA/DS Statistics DK)
PA0207 HR Master Record: Infotype 0207 (Residence Tax Area)
PA0208 HR Master Record: Infotype 0208 (Work Tax Area - USA)
PA0209 HR Master Record: Infotype 0209 (Unemployment Insurance USA)
PA0210 HR Master Record: Infotype 0210 (W4 USA)
PA0211 HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Qual. Beneficiaries)
PA0212 HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plans)
PA0213 Additional family information - Malaysia
PA0215 Building Trade Transaction Data
PA0216 Garnishment Adjustment
PA0217 Infotype 0217 (INSEE code)
PA0218 Infotype 0218 (number of pension fund)
PA0219 HR Master Record: Infotype 0219 (External organisations)
PA0220 Superannuation (Australia)
PA0221 HR Master Record: Infotype 0221 (Manual Checks)
PA0222 HR Master Record for Infotype 0222 (Company Cars GB)
PA0224 Tax information - inf. 0224 - Canada
PA0225 HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2)
PA0227 Tax file number (Australia)
PA0230 HR Master Record: Infotype 0230 / View 0008 (PSG)
PA0231 HR Master Record: Infotype 0231 / View 0001 (PSG)
PA0232 Personal-master record infotype 0232 (Child Allowance) (D)
PA0233 HR-F master record infotype 0233 ('Bilan Social')
PA0234 HR Master Record Infotype 0234 (Add. Withh. Inform. - USA)
PA0235 HR Master Record: Infotype 0235 (Other Taxes - USA)
PA0236 HR Master Record: Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans)
PA0237 HR Master Record: Infotype 0237 / View for 0052 (PSG)
PA0241 Indonesian Tax Data
PA0242 JAMSOSTEK Details, Indonesia
PA0261 Leave Accrual Australia
PA0265 HR Master Record: Infotype 0265 / Special Regulations (PSG)
PA0266 HR Master Record: Infotype 0266 / View 0027 (PSG)
PA0267 HR Master Record: Infotype 0267 (One time Payment off-cycle)
PA0268 HR Master Record Infortype view 0045 and 0268 (Loan JPN)
PA0269 HR Master Record: Infotype 0269 (ADP Information USA)
PA0270 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments)
PA0272 HR master record - infotype 0272 (Garnishment F)
PA0273 HR Master Record: Infotype 0273 (Tax - SE)
PA0274 HR Master Record: Infotype 0274 (Insurance - SE)
PA0275 HR Master Record: Infotype 0275 (Garnishment - SE)
PA0276 HR Master Record: Infotype 0276 (OPIS - SE)
PA0277 HR Master Record: Infotype 0277 (Exceptions - SE)
PA0278 HR master record infotype 0278 (PF basic data [CH])
PA0279 HR master record infotype 0279 (Indiv.values for PF [CH])
PA0280 HR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016
PA0281 HR Master Record Infotype 0281/View for 0045
PA0283 HR Master Record for Infotype 0283 (Archiving)
PA0288 HR CH: HR Master Record Infotype 0021 (Suppl. Switzerland)
PA0302 HR Master Record: Infotype 0302 (Additional Actions)
PA0304 Basic pay - additional information
PA0309 IRD Number Infotype NZ
PA0310 Superannuation NZ
PA0311 Leave Adjustments - NZ
PA0312 Leave History Adjustments NZ
PA0313 Employee Taxation Detail Infotype NZ
PA0314 I0314: Days for Vacation Allow. and Sal.Deducs (DK/N)
PA0315 CATS: Sender Information
PA0318 HR Master Record: Infotype Family data for Indonesia (0318)
PA0319 Indonesia Private Insurances
PA0341 HR - master record infotype 341 (DUEVO start)
PA0352 NHI for Family member (TW)
PA0353 Income Tax Taiwan
PA0354 Labor Insurance Taiwan
PA0355 National Health Insurance Taiwan
PA0356 Employment Stabilization Fund (TW)
PA0357 Saving Plan (TW)
PA0358 Employee Welfare Fund (TW)
PA0362 HR Master Record: Infotype Membership for Indonesia (0362)
PA0367 HR Master Record: Infotype 0367 (SI-Addit.Notif.Data A)
PA0371 HR Master Record: Infotype 0371 (Previous Job Tax)
PA0373 HR loan repayment plan JP(P0268)
PA0374 Infortype 0374: General Eligibility
PA0375 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Data)
PA0376 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Data)
PA0377 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0377 (Misc. Plans)
PA0378 HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefits Events)
PA0380 Compensation History
PA0381 HR Master Record Infotype 0381
PA0382 HR Master Data Record Infotype 0382
PA0388 HR Master Record: Infotype 0388 (Union JP)
PA0395 HR Master Record: Infotype 0395 (External Org.Assignment)
PA0396 HR Master Record: Infotype 0396 (Expatriate Attributes)
PA0402 Accounting infotype
PA0403 HR Master Record for Infotype 0403
PA0404 HR Master Record: Infotype 0404 (Military Service Taiwan)
PA0405 Personnel master record infotype 0405 (absence events)
PA0467 Personnel master data Infotype 0467 (SI addit.notif. pl.c.A)
PA0900 HR Master Record: Infotype 0900 (Sales Data)
PA0901 HR master record info category 0901 (purch. data)
PA2001 HR Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences)
PA2002 HR Time Record: Infotype 2002 (Attendances)
PA2003 HR Time Record: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions)
PA2004 HR Time Record: Infotype 2004 (Availability)
PA2005 HR Time Record: Infotype 2005 (Overtime)
PA2006 HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas)
PA2007 HR Time Record: Infotype 2007 (Attendance Quotas)
PA2010 HR Time Record: Infotype 2010 (Employee Remuneration Info.)
PA2012 HR Time Record: Infotype 2012 (Time Transfer Specifications)
PA2013 HR Time Record: Infotype 2013 (Quota Corrections)
PAHI History of system, DB and SAP parameter
PANNNN HR Master Record: Infotype NNNN
PAPL Applicant master data
PARAMVALUE Run-time variables for platform-independent file names
PARCT Receipt log table (Japan)
PAT00 Patch steps
PAT01 Patch status
PAT03 Patch directory
PAT04 Patch add-on ID (PAOID)
PAT05 SAP Patch Manager settings
PAT06 Component-specific patches
PATH Definition of physical file paths for each syntax
PATHTEXT Logical file path names
PATN Partner number/organizational unit
PAYR Payment transfer medium file
PAYRQ Payment Requests
PA_SSTRCV1 Generated table for view PA_SSTRCV1
PA_SSTRCV2 Generated table for view PA_SSTRCV2
PA_SSTRCV3 Generated table for view PA_SSTRCV3
PA_SSTRCV4 Generated table for

Employee Areas/SubAreas

Employe Group - The employee group subdivides employees into various categories
For e.g.

1. External

2. Active

3. Pensioner

Employee Subgroup - Employees are differentiated further within the employee group. Active employees are differentiated according to their status - trainee, hourly wage or salaried employee etc.

The employee subgroup grouping for the Personnel Calculation Rule allows you to define different payroll procedures for different employee subgroups,

for e.g. you can specify whether an employee pay should be accounted on an hourly or monthly basis.

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Human Resources Management

-> Employee Groups

-> Employee Subgroups

Personnel Areas/SubAreas

Personnel Areas/SubAreas

Personnel Areas

123 Groups





Personnel Areas






A personnel area is a Personnel Administration specific unit and is the subunit of the company code. The individual personnel areas in a company code have four digit alphanumeric idetifiers. The pesonnel areas within a client must be clear.

The personnel area has the following functions :-

1. It allows you to generate default values for data entry, for e.g. for the payroll accounting area.

2. It is a selection criteria for reporting.

3. It constitutes a unit in authorization checks.

Personnel Subareas

123 Groups












Personnel SubAreas






HeadOffice Production


The principal organizational aspects of human resources are controlled at this level, namely the pay scale and wage, type structures and the planning of work schedules.

The main organizational functions of the peronnel subarea are as follows:-

1. To specify the country grouping. Master data entry and the setting up and processing of wage types and pay scale groups in payroll depend on the country grouping. The grouping must be unique within a company code.

2. To assign a legal person which differentiates between companies in legal terms.

3. To set groupings for Time Mangement so that work schedules and substitution, absence and leave types can be set up for individual personnel subareas.

4. To generate a default pay scale type and area for an emplyee's basic pay.

5. To define a public holiday calendar.

6. To define subarea-specific wage types for each personnel area.

Personnel Structure

For administrative purposes, the employees in an enterprise are divided into two levels.

1. The highest level is an employee group, the second, employee subgroup.

2. These levels are subject to authorization checks, to define remuneration levels or different work schedules,

for e.g.

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Human Resources Management

-> Personnel Areas

-> Personnel Subareas