Sunday, October 21, 2007

Recruitment and Joining Formalities

I would like to know that once the candidate's data has been key in, what we need to do at the time of his joining formalities. Can the data be directly transfered from the rect. module to PA module. In such a case what steps we need to follow.

If you like to transfer a candidate from the recruiting (PB) to the personnel administration (PA), you should use transaction code PA40 with action 'Hiring candidate'.

Infotype 0139 stores the PB-number of the new person.

I have completed all the entries in Rect. module. I have filled the applicant actions till "Prepare to hire", now what is to be done further in PB60. or if I am wrong, then can you explain me how it is to be done. If you can send me the flow chart that will be of great help.

Just understand that if you want to hire an applicant you can do so from PA Environment which is much advisable in case of External applicant. In case of internal applicant you can do so from both Rec. as well as PA. when the final status of applicant is "prepare to hire" you reached to final status in Recruitment and now you come down to PA environment and run the action from PA40 - Hire applicant or what ever customized action you have.

Most important is you have to have pass doors between Recruitment and Pers. Admn i.e. set integrations (here the Features needs to be activated i.e. PAPLI, PRELR, PRELI). If you have set right integrations than data can flow between Recruitment and PA. Data flow means, certain infotypes which are maintained during selection process in Recruitment will then automatically updated in PA i.e. Education, Personal details, address, Skills/Qualifications etc.

As Micheal has rightly told that Basic applicant details will be stored in infotype 0139.

Hope I addressed to your point. But I like to have one question here open for you, try to explore. "How does the system know that i am trying to hire an applicant i.e from Recruitment or directly without Recruitment process"? I put it in other way what is the difference between "Hire Employee" action and "Hire applicant" action. If you try to explore answers to these questions you will have more clarity on these sub modules.

1 comment:

Padmanaban said...

There are lots of job openings, but companies can be selective, and depending on the need, one can take their time in finding the right candidate